Saturday, April 27, 2024

The DTs, Part 2

Image by Daniel Dan outsideclick from Pixabay

Do you think Donald Trump is dumb?

He, of course, informed us he's "a very stable genius." On the other hand, he also offered us "covfefe."

His former national security adviser allegedly called him a "dope" and an "idiot." His former secretary of state supposedly called him a "moron." One of Trump's professors at Penn purportedly called him "the dumbest goddamn student I ever had."

I remember the analysis that came out while Trump was president declaring he speaks at a fourth-grade level. He puts my teeth on edge every time he opens his mouth, but to be fair, I don't know if that's because of the way he speaks or what he's saying. Pretty much spoiled for choice there.

I suspect most human beings, when disagreed with, tend to assume that the other person is stupid. We all have some Archie Bunker in us.

But in Trump's case, I do believe he's not so bright. I suspect he's gotten where he is by being smart enough, but mainly by being born into money and privilege that guaranteed him good schools, a way out of the draft and a nest egg. Equally important, he's propelled by negative emotions like greed, vanity, envy and lechery, and is utterly devoid of a conscience. He might even be a sociopath; he's certainly a narcissist.  Altogether, the man is as shallow as a spring puddle.

And yet, don't underestimate him. The nation made that mistake before. In one area he really is a genius, namely self-promotion. And he intuitively understood far before political experts that a large portion of America craves going low.

So my vote is Trump is of barely average intelligence, but is shot through with streaks of evil genius. Feel free to disagree with me. You dimwit.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Keeping Up WIth George

Image:  Facebook

Though he was expelled from Congress last December, George Santos had declared his intention to run again, this time in a different New York district and as an independent rather than a Republican.

But he announced this week on X that he's bowing out of the race. The openly gay Santos explained that he doesn't "want to split the ticket and be responsible for handing the house to Dems."

There's that selflessness for which the serial liar is so noted. He's making this decision for the good of the conservative movement, and certainly not because his campaign hasn't raised one red cent.

Santos signed off his post, "It’s only goodbye for now, I’ll be back."

He may be Brazilian, but I read that and heard an Austrian accent.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

This Week's Quote

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

The rumors about Trump farting are flying around thick and fast. I know he fell asleep in court again today, but because it’s Earth Day, I pray he was at least able to reduce his emissions.

Bette Midler

Source:  X

Monday, April 22, 2024

Earth Day


An oldie from Walt Kelly, my favorite cartoonist. Still painfully pertinent.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hunting for the Good

Image:  Facebook

I've thought of something positive to say about Marjorie Taylor Greene. She makes Sarah Palin look classy.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

This Week's Quote

Image:  Facebook

LADY BRACKNELL:  To speak frankly, I am not in favour of long engagements. They give people the opportunity of finding out each other's character before marriage, which I think is never advisable.

Oscar Wilde

Source:  The Importance of Being Earnest